Musing about Video Gaming on the Road

Issue 004 (beta subsection P4G: Everday's great at your Junes) - Week of 29 October 2024

Hello, fellow readers, welcome back to Previously on Gamer Matters.

It’s Danial once again on the wheel to catch you up on all the haps, as we transition toward the next month.

Table of Contents


Musing about Video Gaming on the Road


I went on a trip towards my hometown recently, striding on the North-South Expressway as the concrete jungle of Kuala Lumpur vanishes the moment the roadside advertisements become more localized towards the passenger. The kilometers ticking by from 1 to 326, the passage of time becoming apparent as you see the sun sets or rise on the long expressway, sans the need for “Life is a Highway” by the Rascal Flatts.

But if you’re not the one doing the driving, then what can you do in the meantime? In the “before” era of smartphones, we had the Gameboys of varying colors and models that could have satisfy your need for some entertainment, besides listening to cassette tapes or *shudder* the radio.

Yes, the backlit light of the GBA SP is awful for your eyesight, but hey, you get to experience the gut-wrenching sadness that is Pokémon Myster Dungeon when you complete it on the road trip.

Current times has seen our smartphones 'the be-all, end all’ for entertainment, and when those pesky emulators are now available to use on the iOS store, I tried my hand on playing Tetris DS on my plane ride to my destination and back during that early phase, and it works. It beats staring at nothing, I can tell you that.

Then, just before making this feature, I went and download a certain game about chance and attack. A roguelike that’s all about the numbers, and the precision of landing the shots correctly as the stakes gets higher and higher.

I played Balatro. I cannot stop playing Balatro, the “leave it all to fate” as you roll for the big numbers. And sometimes they do come or banished you to a reset. If there’s anything to note about the game’s time-consuming nature. It’s that you might not even notice that you have arrived at your destination. It is the perfect traveling game for the gacha addicts and more.

If we had this game back in the before times, we could have gotten a TCG Pokémon-esque Poker clone earlier than before. And honestly, it’s for the best.

With that’s done, let’s see what coming up soon, shall we?

Games Coming in November

Almost coming up towards the end of the year, and we still have abundance of games to go through. Here’s a selection of what’s on our radar, along with a one sentence pitch.

Lego Horizon Adventure

  • November 6: Planet Coaster 2 - the sequel to its theme park builder management game, now try your hand in adding a water park to your roaster of stuff within.

  • November 14: Lego Horizon Adventures - a Lego-fied take on the Guerrilla Games’ Horizon series, it’s going to be interesting to see how the developers take the original games bleak and hopeful world into something that’s fun for all.

  • November 14: Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake - a remake of Dragon Quest III, story-wise a prequel to Dragon Quest I and II, with this being the first of the 3 original titles to release in the coming months.

  • November 19: MySims: Cozy Bundle - the remastering of the two original Wii games that are quite popular of a spin-off, now unshackled onto the Switch.

  • November 20: Genshin Impact for Xbox - the Hoyoverse hit is finally arriving onto the scene for the Xbox platform after 4 years.

  • November 20: S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 - After decades in development and even circumstances beyond their own control, we finally return to the Zone in this latest installment of this survival horror game.

The NEWS From Last Week

The Sims 4 Life and Death Expansion Pack

  • Yooka-Replaylee is a remake that’s coming to all the major consoles, included one that’s just labeled “Nintendo”, to you know, stroke the flames of an announcement.

  • PS5 users in Asia now get to use their new Welcome Hub, which means customizable backgrounds are back, in a way.

  • The Sims 4 now has an update that not only lets you become a ghost as a starting point, but also date the Grim Reaper to a loving relationship (they don’t have a Jamaican accent, sadly)

  • Love to shoot in the dark? then Double Eleven’s newest game might have something for you!

Game Reviews

Sonic x Shadow Generations

Three reviews have come out last week and all of them, somehow, starts with the letter “S”.

Meck did the double duty last week by tangoing with the speed of sound for Sonic X Shadow Generations, and also got up to some hella weird going Ons with Shadows Of The Damned Hella Remastered.

And for myself, just some one year on look back with Starfield and their Shattered Space DLC.

And that’s it for this issue, folks. Check the site for new stuff on the site this week and more!

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Play games and have fun,

—Danial and the Gamer Matters Team